The Perfect Outer Banks Vacation Packing List
Preparing for your Outer Banks trip is part of the fun of anticipating your family beach vacation! Why spend precious vacation time shopping when you already have most of the items below in your own home? And if you plan to share the vacation with other family members, "divide and conquer" by assigning which items your relatives can bring.
Our Outer Banks Packing List Recommendations:

Grocery Items
- Salt & Pepper, Spices & Herbs
- Sugar or other sweeteners
- Cooking Oil
- Non-Perishable ingredients for homemade meals (pasta, canned goods, etc)
- Ground Coffee
- Coffee Filters
- Tea Bags
Food Storage
- Plasticware containers for leftovers
- Plastic Bags in various sizes (snacks, fruit, etc.)
- Aluminum Foil (regular & heavy-duty)
- Plastic Wrap
Paper Goods
- Bath Tissue
- Paper Napkins
- Paper Plates
- Paper Towels
- Tissues

Detergents & Soaps
- Laundry Detergent
- Dishwasher Detergent (gel or powder, no tabs)
- Dishwashing Liquid
- General Cleaning Supplies
- Hand Soap
- Bath Soap

Personal Toiletries
- Shampoo/Conditioner
- Tanning/Sunscreen Lotions
- Aloe Vera Gel or sunburn relief lotion
- First Aid supplies (bandaids, antibiotic ointment, rubbing alcohol, cotton balls)
- Insect Repellent
- Hair Dryer

Grill Equipment*
- Charcoal (propane is provided if gas grill)
- Grill Tools
- Lighter Fluid
- Matches or Stick Lighter
*see which type of grill is available at your rental home on its Property Overview page

Other Household Items
- Kitchen Trashbags (13-gal.)
- Kitchen Dishcloths
- Scrubbies or Sponges
- Dish Gloves
- Kitchen Towels
- Hand Towels for half-bathrooms
- Bath Mats
- Beach Towels
- Beach Blanket(s)
- Beach Toys for children
- Cooler(s)
Frequently Asked Questions
Sheet sets and Towels Sets (bath & hand towels, 1 wash cloth per guest) are provided by Paramount Destinations. Click here to see the general rental amenities at your vacation rental.
Beach Items to bring or rent locally*
- Beach Chairs
- Beach Umbrella
- Bicycles
- Beach Tote such as a Wheeleez
- Baby Equipment
*Please see "Beach Equipment Rentals" found under Guest Information dropdown menu to reserve equipment in advance.